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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / picture2 / 0193c62.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-02-18  |  159KB  |  619x360  |  8-bit (230 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | chat room | grandstand | monitor | person | railing | reckoner | sky | stairway | window
OCR: ANEMIC MONEY FUND YIELDS FINISH THEIR LONG 1992 SKID BUT STAY BELOW 3% Stezdy short -tern interest rates kept the average money -market fund yield a 2.8% Derember Top performers are paying about one point more. partly because their sponsors are absorbing expenses boost yields Expecting higher : short-term rates soon fund managers have cu their portfolios average maturities to 60 c days. the lowest since summer. The mowve will let them snag higher- -rate paper quicker. seven-day.compoundyicid %ylel Aweraa Five-year Decemher swit I by latest yield DOCBI Nenamber 1991 NOy. mestmer Telephone TAXABLE Aatha Money Market Fund $1,000 500-367-7732 Droyfus Basi MH 25.000 80D-7 782.5620 Standby Reserve MM 2,000 800-2 262.7116 OldPremium Plus M 25,000 80-872 6533 Rimea 5,000 U.S.GOVERNMENTISSUES Unite ...